It's important that all users take the time to read 'ABOUT US' before continuing.
a) Hit "DATA INPUT" button follow the instructions to sign in.
2) DATA INPUT page:
a) Enter Data:
i) GEOGRAPHIC: TIP currently displays data against Nations only, however a future ambition is to provide members/ general users the ability to display data at a State/Province, City/Town and even Suburb level for those requiring a detailed statistic.
ii) BIOLOGICAL: By adding the Biological component, TIP provides the user the ability to correlate for e.g. a persons height and their preferred sport, for instance Basketball. Food is another of TIP's FIRST-LEVEL categories where weight/height - used to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) - can be used to gauge the effect of weight gain resulting from particular favourite dishes.
iii) ECONOMIC: The Economic component provides TIP's users the ability to discern if salary has an effect on a members preference for certain Art, a certain beverage or influence a particular political leaning.
iv) INTERESTS (bottom of page): TIP's 16 categories are detailed requiring a splash of patience; however for this reason the data input process will be educational and insightful. TIP's members can choose to add their data to any combination of the 16 different 'Interest' categories; however, TIP suggests adding ONE entry for each of the 16 categories as this will motivate its members to identify that which is MOST important/influential and by doing so, TIP's data will be at its most diverse and thus providing its users with the most rounded data set.
NOTE: We hope you take the time to utilise TIP to its fullest and enter data which is accurate and concise, as TIP is only as useful as the data its members enter.
Once personal data has been entered and saved, the user can display their data against any Nation by following the instructions below.
1) Hit 'HOME' button. Select 'HOW TO USE' if required again.
2) Hit the 'select' button and chose a FIRST-LEVEL category.
3) EITHER assign the FIRST-LEVEL category to any column using the "ADD#1 or ADD#2..etc" button OR hit 'select' to elect your SECOND-LEVEL category.
4) Repeat process 2 and 3 until satisfied with category depth you wish to display.
5) Left Hand most column: select a Nation from the pull-down menu in each of row provided.
If you desire to get in contact with TIP, please hit 'Contact'.
We hope you and your friends enjoy TIP.
After witnessing many debates online and in person over topics such as: 'which is the most popular sports team' or 'what is the most popular PC game'?; the idea to construct a database where users can answer these questions and many more using hard numbers, was conceived.
TIP is a unique database designed and constructed - as a side project - by statistics enthusiasts motivated by an acute desire to provide the World's people with a 'one-stop-shop' depository for the type of data that individuals would typically use to define themselves. We at TIP have a curiosity in wanting to understand what it is that makes the World's people 'unique' and what it is that makes the World's people the 'same'........and importantly permit the user to plot this data against each Nation in a practical and useful way.
TIP attempts to accomplish its objective by asking its data-contributors (i.e. members) to self-profile using 16 intricately structured categories encompassing all things pop culture and more. TIP is designed to capture the essence of the broadest spectrum of people; but it can be an intense experience requiring a little courage, reflection and patients.
If you would like to get in contact with TIP to provide suggestions or in a business capacity please hit 'contact' button at the top of the main page as we'll endeavour to reply asap.
Else, hit 'HOW TO USE' and enjoy TIP.
Have you been TIP'ed?
Welcome to The International Profiler or TIP as we affectionately refer to it. TIP is a unique statistical database conceived by a single mind with a single desire to gain an understanding of how the world's people change with time. TIP attempts to accomplish this by asking its contributors (members) to self-profile using 16 intricately structured categories encompassing all things POP CULTURE and more. TIP is designed to capture the essence of broadest spectrum of people, however it isn't for all, as it can be an intense experience requiring a little courage, reflection and patients. Dare to take the challenge? To contribute to TIP hit 'DATA INPUT' at the top of the page else - to play with TIP now - press "select" and follow the instructions.